Tuesday 3 September 2024


This blog today entitled HIS is about how we can explore within ourselves to gain

Heightened Inner Sensitivity by the practice of meditation  or yoga. By refocusing our

gaze inward and becoming still in mind and thoughts, we then enter into that inner 

sanctum of profound inner silence. Here in this silenced state of equanimity, we begin

to engage a more heightened inner sensitivity. " When the occupier of space (YOU) 

becomes aware of the ENTITY that it OCCUPIES"! Here we need to understand that

SPACE according  to the Ancient Wisdom  IS an "ENTITY"  and all LIFE universally

occupies this SPACE by its living Presence within it. Space is a living ocean of intelligent

energy and from within this intelligent ocean all life arises out of this ocean in what is 

called a LIFE WAVE . A life wave is the ENTITY rising up out of the infinite ocean of

intelligent energy and then crystallizing or condensing into a LIFE WAVE  which is then

manifested into this space time continuum as a living vibrational life form. When we become

deeply immersed within our inner SELF our inner sensitivity becomes heightened to such

an extent that we can then touch the core of our BEING , we reveal our true higher SELF 

which is Divine Spirit. We  gain access to expanded awareness and consciousness . We

see that we are here to UNCOVER the ignorance that lies deep within us all, and gain 

access to universal wisdom . We begin to see, feel and fully understand, that we are 

presented here within a vehicle that our inner spirit uses to gain experience of tangible

life on Earth. We see plainly that we are NOT THE BODY ,we are eternal UNBORN 

Spirit SELF.

warmest regards michael.

kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks


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