Saturday 7 September 2024



This blog today entitled LIKES is about the full explanation of what LIFE actually

is an d the basic ingredients that make up the embodying process of those intelligent

energies that give of them selves so that we might become embodied within this relative

dimension. These intelligent energies are that of the five universal elemental forces that

surrender their elemental forces to the WILL of DIVINE SELF,  who wishes to become

a relative ENTITY within ITS Intentional universe. These five elementals are that of

Air- Fire-Water-Earth- and the Ethereal element. All physical living bodies within this

universe are all made of Elemental coalesced  intelligent energy.  That is what life "IS"!

LIFE equals that of the embodying principles of elemental forces of intelligent energy.

Divine Absolute Spirit SELF  cannot enter into this material universe without being

embodied by KOSHIC sheaths . The KOSHIC sheaths allow spirit to become Localized

into this space time continuum . What is a human being? What is humanity? What is life

exactly/? A human being in essence , is that of Absolute Divine Spirit, which is covered

in five dimensional layers of awareness and differing densities that make up the full

presentation package to take place. Life means a physical temporal presentation of an

inner Eternal Immortal  Divine SELF. We are the visible phenomenon of an invisible

NOUMENON  which is our TRUE IMMORTAL SELF. LIKES is about knowing  what

and who you really ARE!  giving thanks to all those Elemental Intelligences that 

allow us entry into this relative domain of Earth.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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