Wednesday 25 September 2024



This blog today entitled SLIPS is about mapping out the series that takes place in

order for Absolute Stillness to become motioned into an IDEATIONAL THOUGHT

form, and therefore become the PRIMORDIAL MOVER that gave birth to this

universe. This universe is a Primordial thought form that has expanded into infinity

from within Absolute MIND of the SELF and produced a universe. From ONE 

SINGULAR thought intention WAVE an infinite number of other "WAVES"  have

been SUPERPOSITIONED within this one Primordial  thought  wave. Life as it is

expressed is an infinitely diverse wave of billions of differing life form expressions, 

which also include all the stars and planets  as well. One life wave SUPERPOSITIONED

within an infinite ways of being presented within this universe. All life is totally connected

and interconnected within the ONE LIFE WAVE series. Not only is SUPERPOSITIONING

infinite in its scope of reference , but also all life is contained within what is called

Quantum Entanglement "ALL is CONNECTED TO ALL" totally and absolutely.

Humanity are awakening into the understanding of beginning to understand this

Perspective series of the life presentation series , and what part do we play within this

SUPERPOSITIONING display within our human lives. We can begin to comprehend

the answer from the AGELESS WISDOM which states this "From the one came the

many, and from the many came the ONE"  ,LIFE is one series, one principle which is

being displayed within an infinite variety spectrum. SUPERPOSITIONING represents

the all into one and one WAVE into all. SLIPS tries to reveal how this comes about and the

perspectives of its presentation here.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you hen please pass it onto your family and friends Thanks.

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