Sunday 15 September 2024



This blog today is about  how we can all SEEK out that inner Divine faculty which

we all have vouchsafed within every human being on this planet. Humanity has an

invisible doorway to the Divine within themselves, this doorway is called our INTUITION

which when awakened within us, will then become your very own personal GURU , who

will guide you into your higher SELF and a full understanding of who and what you really

are. Intuition which means literally to be "TAUGHT FROM WITHIN" is a faculty

born within us all, that often lies hidden from our general self awareness. We need to

seek out this inner teacher "SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND"! The best way to wake up

into revealing our intuition is to take up the practice of meditation or yoga. Begin to

meditate and enter into the silence within you , that appears when we let go of all 

thoughts , then silence presents itself . Here in the inner silence , we will gradually

become aware of an inner presence within us. This inner presence is your inner GURU

which begins with the inner voice of your intuition and ends within you revealing the

Presence of your Higher SELF. Within us lie two selves one is the lower self which

is your ego and personality, which we often feel is the real you, then there is your 

Higher Divine SELF  which really is who you actually are. By meditating daily and

seeking out the intuition which will begin teaching you who you really are. Some call

this inner teaching "that still small inner voice of the soul "  . Sometimes when in a crisis

we hear this small inner voice whisper words of comfort to us. By actively seeking out

your intuition you will expand your awareness and consciousness, and finally reveal

your true IMMORTAL DIVINE spiritual nature.

warmest regards michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

If this blog resonates within you then please pass it onto your family and friends thanks.

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