Wednesday 1 May 2019

Spirit Consciousness Is Entwining Nothing Centered Everywhere.=S C I E N C E. Part two.

Mankind is literally held within the cohesive embrace of its soul. This embrace is an intentional
field of focused intent which holds all the energies that make up the atomic and subatomic atoms
of an physically presented and expressed human being.
Should this focused intention ever waver for a micro-second your form and presence within this
relative world would vanish instantly, your formal expression would cease to exist.
We little realize in our physical frame reference point here on earth, just how much focus there
needs to be just to keep each expression (you) intact and fully functioning here on Earth. Being
taught from birth, it starts in the pram with those mobiles hanging and dangling close to the
babies face, where the baby is forever trying to touch this mobile, this is the for what for most
of us is a lifetime forever looking outward, never within,and like the baby never quite managing
to touch that mobile, we too never grasp the reality that lies deep within us all.
We are all expressed in a three fold manner , physical, mental, spiritual, some would also add the
emotional as well. The sad fact for hundreds of millions of us though is that we are only ever aware
of the first two dimensions the physical and the mental/emotional, the spiritual dimension for so
many of us, is completely unawakened. And because of this missed out unrealized dimension
of our spirituality we therefore suffer a multitude of illnesses and addictive behaviors. We are
in fact only two thirds alive, that of being just physical and mentally awake, and basically
not awake and spiritually asleep to the inner universe that lies within us all.
Because of our physical outward focusing we get completely lost into an illusive distortion
field,that blinkers us from what is real, and instead just focuses of that which is an illusion
which is the relative reality you only ever see with your outward forever focused gaze. The
reality is the we are ALL SOULS with physical bodies, we are NOT BODIES with SOULS
The SOUL is am immutable principle and is therefore eternal! The physical body is NOT
a PRINCIPLE and will therefore rot and decay.
Your physical body dear reader of this blog, is NOT the REAL YOU, your body is just a vehicle
to hold the real you, which is the SOUL.
warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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