Monday 27 May 2019

Value All Universal Life Truly. - V A U L T .

The infinite vault of heaven (harmony) is written and encoded within our DNA, if we could fully
read and fully decode the DNA that lives at the core or our physical expression here on Earth,
we would see that we have indeed journeyed through every quarter of expressed life , from the
slime upon the oceans floor billions of years ago, through to our self aware "I" AM alive, and
know that I am alive and being human as we all are today.
We as humanity are the first born carriers of the self aware life wave, the dawning of the I AM
here! Phase, we are at the head of this planetary evolutionary life wave and being so it also carries
a karmic liability clause written within its matrix, this clause is about our responsibility to all our
so called "lesser brethren" how we treat other creatures reflects upon our conscious awareness
and if we treat them cruelly we too will suffer as well, as karma acts proportionally to our degrees
of kindness and love, and also to out mistreatment and cruelty.
All expressed life seems to be heading in one ultimate direction  that of eventual self awareness, and
therefore all expressed life will eventually become self aware and self conscious, just as we now
are today. Time is totally irrelevant  in this manner, as it does not exist within the eternal ever
present now, so if it takes the humble earthworm billions of years to reach our not so humble
self aware state, so what!
In our present understanding a vault is often where our valuable assets are stored safely away from
thieving hands, all banks have vaults where billions of pounds or dollars are stashed away from
prying eyes. But do we also realize that there is also a vault hidden within us all? A secret place that
lies within our heart center,which opens the inner door to enlightenment and deeper levels of
consciousness, plus when certain levels of consciousness are attained and therefore become
established within our daily routines,we also begin to unlock certain key points within our DNA
codes. The higher levels of consciousness that we can all attain to if we make the persistent effort
to accomplish this, will begin unlocking DNA codes within us, as higher states of awareness send
out a vibration code that signals the DNA to release more information and awaken us up into a far
deeper level than we knew before.
The vault within us all has laid hidden within us for thousands if not millions of years, here and now along the way there have been many who have awoken up to this inner truth they were the light -bearers of this coming age, their names stand out in our history, we have all heard of these noble
souls, who walked this earth ages ago, but their names and memories persist until today.
In part two will look deeper into this,     warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

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