Friday 3 May 2019

Chakras Of Convergent Knowing. C O C K .

When I first started meditating over forty years ago, it was basically just to find some inner peace
and calmness, to become still and deeply relaxed. as i progressed in my daily meditations I
gradually became aware of "sounds" within me when I sat down and began meditating, there was
what I called a change in tonal pitch as though the quietness within had  somehow moved my
conscious awareness to a different dimension of much more sensitivity and higher frequency
vibrations, I could clearly distinguish the difference in tonal pitch.
At first I thought that I was developing tinnitus a ringing  of the inner ear, loud noises like a
cistern constantly flushing, but then I began to realize that this inner tonal pitch was actually
playing an aural symphony and this musical tone was actually taking me into deeper levels
of consciousness.
I began to become aware of the presence of the chakras, which are really energy vortexes,
swirling around the point of center and billowing out colored rays of ethereal energies.
Sometimes if I went very deeply into a meditative state the energies from the chakras would
roar as they converged together into interacting configurations. When this occurred intuitional
knowing would flash into my aware localized consciousness field. One of the discovers I made
was that universal consciousness or cosmic consciousness cannot be ever learned only ever
experienced, in fact what I have learned in over forty five years of daily meditation is and
amounts to nothing,zero zilch learned, but a vast amount of personal experience, learning does
not actually exist in reality, and the word is basically meaningless, learning only seems to exist
within a very limited sphere of relativity, learning cannot and does not exist in absolute reality.
All humanity can do is uncover the reality that lies within each and every human being, and by
going within yourself, you begin the uncovering unfolding process, the more you go within the
more quickly you will begin unfolding and accessing the real you that lies within each and everyone
of us.
I discovered by going within the reality of our being here and why we are all localized here on this planet.I further discovered that we search out there for something that exists within us all. We are
all the very embodiment of reality, dressed up in a vehicle as a mode of experiencing life in human
In part two will explore this further.        warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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