Thursday 23 May 2019

Energy Localized Effecting Conscious Thought Enfolding Divinity. -E L E C T E D .

Mankind, humanity is the very elect we were all elected by our elf aware consciousness. as we
all woke up from aeons of slumbering unawareness. Then by becoming self aware  and with the
birth of the "I" consciousness, we in effect all elected ourselves into a level of awareness, that
would one day soon awaken us up to the fact that we were in effect all immortal divine souls.
We have all been self elected by our prominent place upon the arc of evolution, which caused
us all to become self aware consciousness, which resulted in the birth of the "I" AM-ness I
know that I know was born within us all.
And with the birth of the "I" this opened the door that will ultimately reveal to every mortal
man/women that they are indeed not mortal at all but we are all immortal divine souls. and then
further along the awakening process that we will all experience sooner or later, we will find that
the very "I" that you thinks defines you, will in fact lead you to discover that the end of the road
for the immortal "I" lies firmly embedded within the Absolute, or just GOD for short.
The reason why energy becomes "localized" around a presented being ie, you dear reader, is
because a vortex forms around the focused point of the expressed entity (you) and this
singularity point is then held and cohered into place by the focused intention of the indwelling
We have all been through an aeonic journey of gradual transformation taking us from stardust
to Star Bucks! in a few billion centuries, we are all now at the crossroads that will begin a further
unfolding of our inner energies and begin the next stage of our transformation into what will then
become energized into a higher octave of vibration and we unfold as that of transfiguring a
transformation from within at the next level is called transfiguration, where the inner light that
divine luminosity will begin to radiate at first invisible light, then the dense physical atoms of
our bodies will begin to fall away, and we will attract higher atomic vibration ethereal atoms into
our physical body matrix, this transfiguring process which will be gradual at first, then begin to quicken as time passes.
We will all become self luminous beings,glowing from within with the spiritual light of the indwelling spirit.
In part two will explore this further.       warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

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