Tuesday 21 May 2019

Sharing Of My Experiences. S O M E

In my many years of meditating I have discovered many wonderful things,and these various
discoveries led me to start  writing blogs about three years ago. So that I could share with
anyone who wanted to read of my discoveries,and also that by sharing these experiences here
it may help help someone reading this blog to perhaps identify with whats happened to me, and
reveal some words of hope for those experiencing what I journeyed through over forty odd years.
When I first started meditating, it was in order to try and find some peace and quiet within me.
My mind and thoughts were out of control, and caused me great anguish and fear. By sitting still
and just listening to my breath, eyes shut,just focusing on the point where my eyelids met at the center,doing the best I could  to stop the flow of endless thought. It took many months of
constant effort, sometimes only managing five or ten minutes at a time, before I was able to
even begin to slow down the flow of thought content. But  gradually the thoughts started to
peter out, and on one momentous night all thoughts stopped altogether-zero thought! This
caused me to panic and fear that my skull was going to implode by what felt like a mighty
vacuum had just appeared within my head and it was totally empty for the first time in over
thirty years, a scary yet exhilarating experience.
This was the beginning of a deeper phase of my meditation,where thoughts would slow down
and then finally stop altogether, and then just silence remained.
The silence I found had many levels perhaps infinitely so, every level of silence had what seemed
to be a special frequency tone or pitch to it, as I moved through different levels of silence or
consciousness, each level had its own tonal frequency, and in between each level there was just
soundless total silence.It seemed almost like musical notes that were like octaves of frequency and
when that note ended and just before the next octave was engaged there was utter silence.
One of the main benefits that I started enjoying and regularly began experiencing after I had
managed to slow and sometimes stop the flow of thought  altogether, was an inner voice the voice
that was at first identified by me as intuition, this inner voice would offer me words of encouragement and hope. With the onset of this regular occurrence of intuitionel guidance  this set
my mind wondering as to where does this guidance spring from? And when i looked up the word
intuition, it said it means, to be taught from within! In part two will continue this further.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed, Facebook, Soul Realization.

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