Friday 24 May 2019

Energy Localized Effecting Conscious Enfolding Divinity.- E L E C T E D Part Two.

We have all been "I" AM aware for thousands of years now,self aware,self conscious people.
The time now is to move on into a deeper level of this "I AM" consciousness, we are as humanity
teetering on the brink of a new awakening, this time it will be a spiritual awakening , the other two
awakenings were first the physical body and very basic rudimentary mental faculties,the second
awakening was the mental and emotional awakening, now we all stand on the threshold of a new
dawning, the age of Aquarius, that of a spiritual awakening . With the dawning of the internet and
the digital age, we are now able to access information very quickly and all from the comfort of
our homes on our laptops and smart phones,years ago if you wanted information you had to visit
your local library.
There is a massive amount of spiritual in formation on the web, from ascension to angel readings
plus dozens of sites showing videos about soul awakening in mankind, and how the practice of
going within yourself, with either yoga or meditation can being about conscious contact with
that indwelling reality within you that of your very own immortal divine soul.
To become aware that we are all localized energy (living light bodies souls) this energy pattern
is narrowly focused into a vortexial singularity and cohered and stabilized  by an intenional field
within the central matrix of the souls consciousness.
We will all discover that our lives are much much more stranger than any science fiction fantasy
could ever conjure up,there is so much within us all awaiting discovery, all we need to do is to
change the direction of our gaze from forever outward, and instead look within ourselves and
find that immortal eternal divine life force that is our true and eternal identity.
We each in our own time elect to act and find out more about who we really are.We are the ELECT
when we can consciously understand what that term really means to us?
No one else has the authority to elect you, only yourself can elect yourself, to move deeper into
the realms of a much more expanded life and level of consciousness. Consciousness and perception
can expand into infinity, along with awareness, the only limitation upon you dear reader of this blog
is that one you impose upon yourself.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

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