Thursday 2 May 2019

Please Listen as Consciousness Enfolds Self.= P L A C E S Part Two.

By quietly going within ourselves in the practice of meditation or yoga, we are (though unknowingly
in the beginning)actually starting to face the inner spiritual sun, which is electric blue in color,
unlike our physical solar sun which is yellow or golden in color, which we all know and enjoy
its warmth. Because we are even unknowingly being exposed to its invisible influence we will
still begin to access deeper layers of consciousness,and this will after a time begin to impinge
upon our aware consciousness, in the nature and manner of intuitional messages suddenly flashing
into our mind. These intuitional messages are a response from the inner spiritual sun directed by
your higher self, the soul, in order to open your levels of self aware consciousness.
By placing yourself in a position of inner quietude and peace, you are beginning to access higher energy levels of awareness that you were completely unaware of before you began looking into
One ancient universal law the was written in scrolls thousands of years ago, and has surfaced in
recent years is that "Nature abhors a vacuum" nature will not tolerate a vacuum, and will
immediately rush in to fill that space.Now this universal knowledge has been known by those
who practice the science of meditation  for tens of thousands of years,this is because by letting
go of all thoughts and thinkingness, you bring about a state of quintessence and within that
state an attraction is opened, and this will then equate with an inrush of deeper levels of
consciousness rushing in to fill that empty mind??
When we are so full of "our" own stuff, we cannot ever unfold anything else, which is why the
only way to open up and blossom like a flower is to become still in thought, word,mind and movement, then sitting quietly with no agenda other that being still and listening to your breathing
in and out, we gradually place and align ourselves to deeper levels of consciousness, no BEING
at ANY TIME on this planet has ever learned cosmic consciousness,the very idea is totally absurd
you can in truth never really learn anything, all you can do is experience reality.  learning in its
absolute phase is totally meaningless,and does not exist, learning only SEEMS  to exist in the relative sense.Cosmic consciousness is downloaded into your singularity point of self aware consciousness when you exact the conditions for this to take place,once you are aligned to the point
of perfect inner quietude, a gravity well opens up to fill the vacuum you have created by your absence
of any thoughts, which then ensues a mighty rush of cosmic consciousness infilling your empty mind??? You will then have experienced cosmic consciousness, and have learned precisely nothing!!!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul realization.

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