Monday 13 May 2019

Zero Equals Nothing Inspiring True Harmonics. -Z E N I T H .

A vast and infinite universe exists within us all, and how few of us have ever explored this
wondrous place? To me the zenith in our living experience is to fully realize the SELF or
the infinite spirit that dwells within us all, called our immortal soul.
The only way I know of ever being able to accomplish this most noble venture, is to go within
ourselves and take up the regular preferably daily practice of either meditation or yoga.
For me it was the practice of meditation and with over forty five years of experiencing  and
practicing this magnificent science of inner knowing,I have discovered so very much that lies
beneath the facade of form (physical body).
This universe which is a relative one, being that it moves, and motion is the hidden signature
of relativity and expressed "formal life". This relative universe that we all seem to move and
have our being in, is in fact an ILLUSION, it is basically a backdrop which covers up the real
universe which is Absolute and also motionlessness. Any motion implies by the very nature that
IT MOVES that is is relative and therefore change can occur, in absoluteness change can not ever
occur, because change implies motion and the absolute is eternally still.
Meditation can also be seen as the science of stillness, the less motion that exist within our orbit
of consciousness, the closer we become to that mighty roar of absolute soundlessness that exists
within the ALL. Zero equals nothing and nothing  equals all, this may well seem to be very
contradictory but in fact both words actually mean the same. The Absolute universe is ALL and
it is also NOTHING, it is not no-thing it is ALL THING. the ONLY THING THAT EXISTS!
The zenith point is reached in our evolutionary journey when we fist become self aware, then
when we have reflected on this self awareness for many lifetimes, we begin through the gathering
of our self aware experiences and beginning to become aware of an inner intelligence that seems
to coexists within us. At first we thought that this was our egos talking to us from within our mind
then we began to question this assumption and wonder what else it could be. This is often brought
on by our being involved in a crisis and when we were at our wits end and our backs were firmly up
against the wall, then reassuringly a still small voice would offer us words of comfort and calmness
would befall us, this inner small voice leads us to full knowing.
In part two will explore this further.      warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Face book Soul Realization.

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