Saturday 18 May 2019

Waves of Life Flowing. -W O L F Part Two.

Metaphorically speaking when the wolf is at your door howling,it signals the need for something
to change. The howling wolf can come in the form of an arising crisis in our life,this crisis is
the harbinger of change that will soon occur in our life.
We are in essence intangible spirit, made tangible by the process of condensation or congealment
of the life flow into a solid looking tangible form (human body).
We are waves of pulsating life energy congealed from its liquid like fluid state,into a cohered
energy pattern, held in stasis by the intentional wave  of the real dweller within the immortal
soul. The immortal soul holds the physical body expressed pattern within  its consciousness
and it remains stable in that holding pattern until the soul withdraws its intention, then the
physical form decays and resolves back into the elements from whence it came from.
We are only permitted here upon the earth by the courtesy  of the intelligent elemental's
nature spirits as they are sometimes called, the nature spirits loan the incoming soul to
incarnate the elements necessary to construct a physical body,the soul asks permission from
the elemental's and they cooperate in providing the elements for the body about to reincarnate.
This whole universe is run on a cooperative basis,all serves the all and each other,is the law of
expressed life universally.
The elemental's supply the sub atomic and atomic atoms needed to construct a human form, when
the life stream is assembled then the soul takes possession of the energy field pattern, and holds it
in coherence  by its intention to form.
We are all given a blank pattern when we left EDEN aeons ago and embarked upon a journey of
unimaginable adventure and timelessness, each of us has woven our own tapestry  and formed our
unique patterns through our vast experiences, we are still in the process of weaving this very day.
One day when we are free from the physical body we will be able to look at our own design and see
it from its birth from eternal stillness, cast out into the maelstrom of emotional life flow into violent
raging storms of unimaginable power and might, drifting through endless eddies getting nowhere
fast, then a brilliant flash of motioned light burned deep into our newly awakened consciousness and
suddenly as if by a majestic magic wand had been waved, we woke up, and become self-conscious 
awakened human beings.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcom ed Facebook Soul Realization.

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