Wednesday 1 May 2019

Please Listen As Consciousness Enfolds Self. =P L A C E S

If we can but sit quietly,do absolutely nothing at all, just sit down, stop being a human doing
(because we are always doing something) and start the process of being a human being, just
being present in the eternal now and doing absolutely nothing at all, stop all doing and just
be, listening comes natural when you are still, by just listening you are doing nothing. Now
the thing about consciousness is that you and all of us are infinitely deeply embedded within
the infinite ocean of consciousness it cannot expand anymore, however we, as human doings
and very very rarely ever human just beings,are completely unaware of this universal natural
phenomena that exists within the matrix of consciousness.
We as human doings exists basically on the most surficial levels of shallow consciousness
because we do not know anything different. The first rule of universal expansion it to BE
absolutely still and focused. When we are still  consciousness reveals more depth to us, it
will only reveal the direct proportional ratio of the depth we are capable of penetrating and
are able to grasp.
We need to understand that there is absolutely NOTHING WHATSOEVER that you are
EVER going to LEARN by going within yourself, reality cannot ever be learnt that is
absolutely impossible,you can only ever experience reality, never can you learn it,
the only thing you can learn belongs to the relative sphere, like cramming up dry facts
in order to be able to spew out this fantasy get the job you want then promptly forget
about it soon afterwards.
Instead of leaning anything by going within which is impossible,we instead begin to
unfold and open out, the inner sun which illumines all consciousness acts directly upon
your self, exactly as the physical sun affects the flower, and causes it to blossom so to
will you blossom by the inner light of the spiritual sun, which exists within consciousness
and as the physical sun is golden in color,the inner spiritual sun is electric blue in color.
We are all infinitely embedded within the infinite and eternal matrix of consciousness, we
to are all eternal beings, though millions of us are completely unaware of this reality, and many
will even deny its existence, but enough experiences and enough pain and heartache eventually
soften the hardest heart, if not in this lifetime, then in the many that will surely follow, eternity
has no limits, we can deny reality for a billion years, but eventually when the penny gets hot enough
it will DROP!!
In part two will explore this further       warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realisation

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