Monday 6 May 2019

Source Of Wisdom Self.=S O W S . Part Two.

Wisdom dictates that we are ALL sourced from the SOURCE,which is absolute LIFE, wisdom
also reveals that the inner meaning of the word L I F E  is Living-Intelligent-Focused-Energy
=L I F E ,that is what life actually IS(which in turn stands for INFINITE SPIRIT) and being
alive and emanating from an Eternal Source of all life, then wisdom again strongly suggests that
we too are then all eternal beings! Which of course we all most certainly are!
Where we err is that we mistakenly identify with the vehicle, the human body,and we therefore
observe that it ages and withers and eventually dies.
So as we mistakenly identified with the wrong life, we think in fact that we are all mortal beings
instead of who we really are which is immortal divine souls.
We seem to have a knack for embracing ignorance rather than wisdom. Although none of us can
be really blamed for this ignorance of self identity, because no one or body of learning have ever
taught the reality of our immortal soul and our divine heritage.Except for some religious teachings
that say we are all souls, but how many of us ever heed or attend any church these days?
Perhaps if a divine engineer could design a "SOUL APP" that you could download onto your
5G smart phone, then we would experience a tsunami wave of spontaneous awakenings globally
with billions all coming online and saying they were now soul conscious and aware of their
inherited divinity and immortality.Will such a divine  engineer actually create such a device?
We cannot learn wisdom only experience its presence within us,learning as we think we know
it, does not really exist, its bullshit spewed out by mesmerizers to keep you focused on looking out
there, and never within yourself. All that really exists in relative reality is experiencing experiences
and by doing this, you gradually adjust to differing ways that incur less pain and anguish, and focus
more on happiness and joy, wisdom presents itself to you as an inner guru at first, an intuition of
ideas that guide you along, after a while you recognize the wisdom as your higher self the soul. wisdom cannot exist within a consciousness and perception to perceive it, it does not exist as a thing or entity called wisdom, you are the embodiment of wisdom, just open your heart  and your mind,go
within yourself, and greet that inclusive soul called wisdom, which is YOU dear reader!!!!!!!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed,Facebook Soul Realisation.

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