Saturday 11 May 2019

All Matter Is Spirit Synchronized. =AM I S S .

Reality being expressed in motion and when it is in motion it also becomes dual in nature.
Absolute reality unexpressed is absolute motionlessness, and therefore is Perfect Spirit or
Life Force unexpressed.The way of all universal expression is revealed in the process of
condensation, pure spirit is condensed (lowered in vibration) into consciousness which in
turn becomes energy, which in turn becomes matter(all by the process of lowering vibration
which is another word for condensation) all matter is spirit synchronized into tangible
expression , the intangible becomes tangible by the process of condensation.Light and
consciousness are really the same thing, the mind can be both illumined and darkened by
negative or positive thoughts.This process can also be called congealment. We as human
beings are in truth made out of congealed light, slowed down drastically from its high
vibration state, so much so that it thickens and solidifies and then reveals itself as frozen
We as this phenomena called human beings are in our outer expression as physical beings are
expressed as gross sluggish very slowed down vibration forms of matter which is really just
spirit/consciousness/light slowed down and congealed (set like jelly) in what we call a physical
body.Which is very dense and sluggish.
We each have a higher expression within us which is our Astral body,this vibrates at a higher
frequency and appears more fluid like and is dimensionally apart from this gross physical
realm. It is the body you ascend into after you physically terminate and eject from the physical
vehicle that housed your higher self while gathering experience here.
ALL human being have an astral body, and every night, we leave our physical bodies and go
travelling within the astral realms, which are of course infinite in nature, we leave our physical body
and are attached by what is often termed as the silver chord, or even the golden bowl which only
shatters or snaps when we die physically.
This universe in its absolute essence consists of just ONE THING, and that one thing is SPIRIT
reality that of SPIRIT every other THING CONDENSES down from THAT, and you dear reader
of this blog today are a condensation from that one fact of steeped down reality.
In part two will look further into this idea,     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed, Facebbook Soul Realization.

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