Sunday 28 April 2019

Spirit Consciousness Is Entwining Nothing Centred Everywhere. =S C I E N C E .

Consciousness arises from within the matrix of Spirit,which really means the immutable LIFE
Principle which we sometimes call the Absolute, or Great Spirit,or just GOD for short.
Consciousness entwines nothing, because in reality nothing amounts to ALL and vice versa
ALL amounts to nothing. We need to fully understand the meaning of the word NO-THING
which we call nothing,actually really means that there is no-THING there present, just the ALL
THING, and the ALL-THING is ubiquitous and eternally ever-present every where at the same
time universally, absolute and immutable.There can be no comparing the NO-THING, as it is
the ALL THING.ZERO  ELSE EXISTS EXCEPT IT! It is absolute distinctionlessness!
We as a thing called humanity are in fact all which in absolute truth amounts to NOTHING
relatively we all "seem" to have distinctions and all "seem" to be different from one another
but this is really an illusion, the only real difference there is between you and "I" is in our
experiences, we each have different experiences, which relatively make up the way we grow
and expand in consciousness and awareness along our path within the arc of evolution.
Individuality does not, and cannot exist within the Absolute,individuality can only seem to
exist within a relative framework like the one that exists here on planet earth, This whole
physical universe is relative, meaning that it is ONLY relatively REAL, but NOT absolutely
real, this universe is in fact just a cloak thrown over the real universe which is absolute
eternal and unchanging. This backdrop for that all it really is, which is the relative universe
is just here in order for motion to come alive into the ultimate realisation of self awareness.
This relative universe is basically a stage where an infinite number of seeming "things" act
out their roles over aeons of time, and then eventually wake up from their aeonic slumber
and smell the roses of SELF AWARENESS, this is where we all are now, self aware beings
who are gradually becoming more DEEPLY SELF AWARE, and as we become more deeply
self aware, we begin to see the gradual vaporising of our distinctions? And our consciousness
gradually becomes more inclusive, we begin moving away from all exclusiveness and motion
towards inclusiveness.
In part two will explore this more fully.         warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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