Thursday 25 April 2019

Blissful Ignorance Keeps Everyone Remaining Somnolent -B I K E R S Part Two.

life is expressed as vibrations, we are as human beings totally submerged within a vibratory
vortex of undulating energy. When this energy is balanced we remain fairly healthy and mentally
sound, but when there is an imbalance occurring within us, we then get what is called a vibratory
crises, now this vibratory crisis  depending as to where its location is within us, will depend on
whether we suffer either physical,mental, or spiritual illness. Illness really means vibratory crisis
that is the true inner meaning of the word ILLNESS, we become "ill" because our expressional
bodies are out of balance due to our action or inaction, when we can balance the vibrations, then
harmony is restored and then balance cancels out any "illness" vibratory crisis.
The mass crisis that befalls humanity today, with addictions to drugs, alcohol, food, sex,
gambling, killing millions every year, plus the epidemic rise in the number of deaths each year
from cancers, heart disease,diabetes, along with mullions suffering mental health issues, emotional
issues, anxiety and panic attacks,suicide rates increasing,also to mention all those others dying
from starvation and wars. These are all severe reactions to what is in fact a major vibratory
crisis manifesting within mankind today.
And one of the major causes of these crisis is in the way we look at ourselves and life. We are
forever looking "outwards" and this is the main cause of all this distortion of humanity today.
The true meaning of the word SIN has been lost in a dense cloud of ignorance and naive
superstition. The word sin  actually spells out the ROOT CAUSE of  this entire planetary
misamic cancers, SELF-IS-NEGATED =S-I N .because none of us seem to understand that
we are all OUR-SELF which =GOD=Absolute=Spirit, by not going within ourselves, and
searching for our true and eternal identity, we are in ignorance bringing upon ourselves a state
of vibratory crisis, unbeknown to millions of us, is our true identity, which is the sole reason any
of us are here for, we are all here to find out that we are all SELF=GOD at our core of being, and
when we can all refocus our gaze to inwards, there then will become a major shift in vibratory harmony upon this planet, the vibratory crisis will transcend into an awakening and an inner
feeling of true bliss and the expectancy of coming world peace love and mutual respect and
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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