Sunday 21 April 2019

What Opens Motions Birth ? W O M B Part Two.

Each day of your life here on Earth, "you go through the motions" what is the meaning of all
this motioning? If any! Each  day we gather experience, this is what going through the motions
actually means. Repeating movements within our localised frame of reference, and hopefully
gaining some insight along the way.What insight will allow us to reveal our true inner nature?
Repeated regular experiences have little effect on our understanding of reality, it is those
experiences that move us from within, that in effect  bring about a change of direction  in our
lives, like a birth in the family,a death, or becoming gravely ill, these sad or immensely happy
occasions, touch our inner core, and begin a process of motion from within the Self.
Mankind because or our deep ignorance of our true identity, therefore suffer untold pain and
misery. What if you were to fully realise that you were in fact and in effect an Embryo God
awaiting the birth of full realisation to dawn upon your self- conscious awareness?
That we are all actually spirit, which is just another name for God or the Absolute.
Our expression in human form here on Earth, is the lowest motion we move through while here
as self aware beings,we all have to spend many life times, going through the motions and
learning what is is to be human, through a vast number of experiences, when we have learned
enough, and experienced the depths of pain and suffering, along with the joys and happiness, we
then open up our inner core, and then make a conscious motion to move within our self, and begin
they journey through inner exploration towards uncovering the next level of consciousness
awakening, which is to become reborn into an understanding of an inner presence that speaks
intuitively to you, you then motion deeper into yourself, and eventually reveal the real YOU
which is not your personality or your ego, and not the name given to you by your parents, rather
it is your very own immortal soul, this amounts to the second awakening, the first one was when
you first woke up and discovered that you were self aware. This new dawning paves the way for
a new awakening into inclusively, where you see and know and feel the connections to the whole
universe, you are then consciously connected to everything and you know that this is so.
The last process we will all go through eventually, regardless of how many thousands or millions of
years it takes, remember time and space are illusions, the only thing that really exists is the eternal
now, which never moves, and is eternally motionless. The last phase of our journey back home,is
to finally realise the SELF, and the SELF, is GOD-ABSOLUTE, when that occurs within you, then
YOU are GONE, just the Absolute remain. Then you are no longer an embryo instead you are a
fully realised GOD!! Then all motion ceases, because when you are omnipresent and ubiquitous there is nowhere to move to, that you are not already there!!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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