Saturday 13 April 2019

Truthfully We Are Source.= 'T W A S Part two.

The equation of expressed motional life is that of from the One Source came the many, and from
the many became the one Source. 'Twas the moment before expression was born into motional
life,where there was but One-Source, then with the motion arising as the primal thought wave
the many were eventually manifested . And humanity is the many that will eventually transcend
back into the One Source, from whence it came.
The whole of the human race is the SOURCE, you dear reader of this blog, yes you! You are that
Source, in truth no-thing else exists anywhere in this universe that is not the SOURCE, the SOURCE
is the Absolute Life Force,experiencing a relative experience.
ALL seven and a half billion of us, will ALL condense back into the one SOURCE eventually
because that is what you ARE! We are not seven billion separate beings, we are in fact just ONE
BEING, the whole idea of being separate and apart from each other is false and completely
UN-REAL, it is a delusion and also a illusion that is born out of our vast ignorance of what
reality actually is, which includes the fact that billions of us have not got a clue to their real and
eternal identity.
When we materialise here on this planet, cast out of the womb and into physical existence, a veil
is cast over our memory of our true being, we all pass over the river of forgetfulness the river Styx
and arrive with a clean blank sheet to start another physical expression here, as we grow we
become more aware, and at times we will be touched by deep feelings arising within us, often if
we are in a crisis situation, an inner voice will offer reassuring words of comfort to you,that inner
voice, that still small voice that arises from within us, is the voice from the SOURCE. the deep
calling out to its physical expression, this inner voice is called by us that of the soul, the higher
self, of the higher power, or even God, all these names are about the very same THING, and that
is the SOURCE which is ETERNAL LIFE. Behind the name and label of being humanity lies
the true invisible reality of our being.All seven and a half billion of us are the ONE SOURCE
"we" are being exhibited as physical biological units of expression gathering experiences as relative
units outwardly relative, but inwardly we are all absolute eternal SOURCE. If we imagined the
SOURCE as a living Jewel, then we are all the facets of this one SOURCE-JEWEL. There is no
WE in absolute reality, only the "I" which =SOURCE exists.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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