Friday 26 April 2019

Seek Honestly Yourself. =S H Y .

Take away your name,your occupation,your education, where you were born, male or
female,married or single,the race you were born into, with all that removed, what is left?
What is left is that which is really you, the real you that you have never met, or most likely
never even knew existed.
Hundreds of millions of us live our entire four score and ten years and in all that time were
never really aware of whom they really were! Some of us had brief glimpses of an inner
presence,a strange feelings of an inner watcher looking out at life,but then got distracted by
some other demanding scene out there away from your inner self.
We can be so very busy being distracted by this and that, that there is no time for just sitting
quietly, with all gadgets switched off, just listening to the silence, when do we ever do that?
Have we ever fully embraced the silence within ourselves?  All distractions are a kind of red
rag that is waving in front of you, and demanding your rapt attention, just like the matador with
his red cloak, that enrages the bull, distractions are designed by cunning flag wavers like social
media,for instance? how many of us are hopelessly distracted by our smart phones? Not me
thankfully,I am not smart enough to use those gadgets, my phone is a wind up gas driven one
I replaced it when my steam phone went off line, (I hung it out to dry, and it was stolen!)
Man know thyself that was written hundreds of years ago by the ancient Greeks in the temple
of Apollo in Delphi, and here we are today, hundred of years later, and still hundreds of millions
of us, have not got a clue as to whom they really are! It seems like mankind has been in a sort
of time warp, where thousands of years have passed  and we have learned so very little.
We put a great premium on education and passing exams, cramming our craniums with sterile
facts, that will mostly all be forgotten after you have passed the exam, but there is zero attention
paid to or taught about by our educators as to whom we all really are, total and blind ignorance
as to the fundamental principle of life, which in our case is fashioned within a flesh and blood
body, and called humanity, what is the fundamental nature of this phenomena called mankind?
 What is its inner nature? Is there a central matrix from which its consciousness springs from?
Do we know or even understand how many dimensions this life force called us spans? These
arising questions are all valid provoking questions, that lead to the uncovering of what lies beneath
the outer framework of the physical body,the principle of life is eternal and universally embracing
all that moves within its absolute orbit, us included, what then is man, that we bother to be mindful
In part two will explore this further.         warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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