Saturday 6 April 2019

Spirit Experiencing Localised Focusing. =S E L F

We are all universal Absolute Spirit, the one Absolute Jewel of Radiant Splendour, fragmented
into infinite expressions of radiant facets, of the ONE Jewel, condensed and formalised
expressions, and further localised on the location of planet Earth.
When we cross over the void from absolute ubiquitous consciousness, and enter into a duality
based formalised form (human body) of expression that of in our case a form known as a human
being, within the collective term known as humanity. Crossing over this divide from absoluteness
into relativity and a duality based relative reality,we in effect "DIE" or rather loose our universal
consciousness and awareness,we temporally loose memory of our WHOLE BEING and awaken
into what we think of as individuality, personal based ego centred being.
This act of crossing  over the divide, is mentioned in the ancient Greek myth about souls who
are ferried over the river Styx by the ferryman, also called the river of forgetfulness.
On Earth today there are over seven and a half billions facets of the ONE LIVING JEWEL
each one of us is in varying stages of wakefulness, some of us are more awake than others,
this is due to where we are on the evolutionary arc of ascension
Outwardly we are all relative based points of intelligent energy, cloaked in a physical vehicle
who many of us take seriously as that of being our only reality! Our outward form is used to
gather experience, and through engaging these vast amounts of experiences over many visits
here to this place that has been often termed as "the vale of tears" planet Earth, we begin to
gradually piece together an idea that will lead us into finally taking that most important step
we can ever really take, that of looking within us for the answer to who we really are.
Usually we only ever seem to find the time to look within us, when we have been presented by
a life changing crisis, when our backs are literally up against the wall, and there is no way
known by you what to do next, will I die! You wonder, then when this crisis reaches this point
we then become willing to seek out help from within ourselves, because deep down within every
facet (human being) there lies the instinctual knowledge and inner knowing of the residence of
an indwelling Higher power, a divine spirit deep within us, we then reach within and ask for help.
This is the beginning of the path of conscious ascension back to the Living Jewel.
In part two will explore this further.       warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

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