Sunday 14 April 2019

Being Is Not Doing.=B I N D .

Mankind has I believe miscalled itself, rather than calling ourselves human beings, the more
appropriate name I feel should be human-doings, because we are never just being,we are
always doing something.
The whole point of meditation or yoga is to reach a state of being-still, just Being -yourself
nothing more.Sitting quietly within yourself doing absolutely nothing  at all.
The word reflection, what does this word mean to you, dear reader? To many of us sadly it
just means that of seeing our reflection in the mirror, while either shaving or combing our
hair. Another meaning of the word reflection though, is that of introspection, to look within
ourselves, maybe to take stock of how we are doing or what our failings might be. To look
within and see what lies beneath the thin veneer of flesh and bone expression.
We are so very busy doing-something that we never have the time just to do nothing, to
become still, to look within ourselves, to become silent, to let go of the endless chatter and
gossip, to find a peace and a point of stillness within us, where we can LET-GO of all doing
and instead sit quietly and just be-BEING, absolutely nothing more than that.
The main and basically the real reason our planet is in crisis, and pollution is poisoning our
rivers,oceans, and seas, and killing of billions of fish and birds annually, is BECAUSE all
our world governments are SO BUSY DOING, that none of them is actually BEING, what
they are all doing, is endless acts of greed and power hungry moves, that will eventually destroy
all life on this planet, with possibly the two exceptions that of rats, and cockroaches!
Is there a government body anywhere on planet Earth that is actually BEING and not DOING?
I very much doubt that.We though as focused points of consciousness within a physical body
can do something about what we choose to do, say, and think, we can choose to be less doing
and become a real human-being, rather that the cardboard cut out of the human-doing. We can begin
to effect changes within ourselves, and if enough of us were to change from human-doings and
become what we really are that of BE-ings.  Then our efforts would begin to gradually effect the
way things occurred and slowly our beingness would penetrate into those heads of state globally
and bring about a radical change of focus from doing things, to becoming alert to reality and to
BEING more aware, and the awareness of being-aware will help shape the fate of this planet.
In part two will explore this further.      warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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