Monday 15 April 2019

Being Is Not Doing.=B I N D Part Two.

If we just did far less doing and much more being, then this planet would become a paradise
rather than a purgatory that it resembles now, with global pollution of both land and sea,with
starvation and thirst affecting millions,then wars and terrorism affecting tens of thousands.
As I mentioned in yesterdays blog, we are miscalled human-beings, because the vast majority
of us have never just-being, we are always doing-something all the time 24/7. Our proper name
should be human -doings! And what are we all doing, is making a mess of our lives and our
How many of us, have actually ever been really still within ourselves? Just BEING, sat still,
eyes closed, erase all thoughts, just sitting there in the silence, just BEING-yourself, doing
absolutely nothing whatsoever,sitting still, within the inner silence of the SELF. The whole
reason we are here on this stage-set called Earth, is to partake in experiences that will lead you
into the eventual full realisation of your true and eternal identity. Our true identity has absolutely
zero/zilch to do with any doing whatsoever, our true inner nature is just that of BEING, being
still, and knowing who you really are! When we can do that, our days of doing anything will
be over, the only thing we will ever really need to be, is our-self.
We are all bound  by our doings, our doings in many ways suffocate us from the clear air and
vibration of just being, we literally choke on our doings, bound by our addictions, that suffocate
millions every year,and if its not the addictions of obesity, drugs, and alcohol, then it is our
enslavement to the smart phone, and all the other smart crap that literally guarantees that you
will be ultra busy doing things from the time you wake up till you fall into bed with your gadget
in hand!
If we just can singly unbind ourselves from endless doings, and make some space and time for
just being, we would all be doing ourselves a great favour,peace of mind and serenity come from
a place of inner stillness, where there is little doing, buts lots of being, the more we can get closer
to the inner truth of our real being-ness , the greater the peace and inner calmness will arise within
us. We owe it to ourselves to be at inner peace, to become restful within our being, to see our connection with all life on this planet,to realise we are all one family, sharing a planet in order to
realise the truth of BEING, and the FICTION of DOING!!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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