Friday 12 April 2019

Truthfully We Are Source. ='T W A S

We as human beings , humanity are all directly totally submerged within the Source of all life
it could not possibly be otherwise, because without being within source,you would not exist,
nor would the term humanity exist. Life being expressed is portrayed as motion, everything
expressed from within Source moves perpetually within the relative universe. However,
relativity is a temporal phenomena, that had its beginning within the inceptual primal
Intention of the absolute the Source, behind the relative phenomena of this temporal universe
lies the noumenon, which is absolute and beyond relative conceptual understanding. Here at the
point from eternal stillness, motion was born aloft the first primal intention , which could be
expressed as; 'twas the night before life moved out from eternal stillness into perpetual motion!
Humanity is a collective term for just ONE LIFE being expressed in seven and a half billion
human beings, there is only ONE LIFE FORCE existing within this universe, there is NO SUCH
thing called LIFE'S, there are no plurals existing in absolute reality, only the singular ONE.
We see many, but we need to fully understand that this is an illusion, a relative illusion cast over
your relative eyes. There is but ONE LIFE SOURCE, not seven and a half billion, just ONE!
Where does that then leave you dear reader of this blog? Where does this truth, and this is a truth
not a theory dear reader, leave us all? We all want to survive, (you will live forever, no worries)
We have our personality, our individuality,our self identity,our ego's and our mind,what will become
of all this? Will I become a none entity? A zero being? Will "I" be lost within an ocean of other
The first thing to understand is the real question that we all need to know and accept, then we can
move onto more fully understanding reality as it is, rather than lots of different theories which often
contradict each other.The primal and most fundamental question we all need to know is, who am I
really? If life is just ONE, which it surely IS, then where do we all fit into this ONE LIFE?  The
answer to that question is very simple,provided you understand and accept the reality that although
there are seven and a half billion souls on Earth, there is but ONE SOURCE! The next step is to
fully realise what this reality actually means to each of us, there are NOT seven and a half billion
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realsation.

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