Wednesday 24 April 2019

Blissful Ignorance Keeps Everyone Remaining Somnolent.-B I K E R S .

There is a saying that "ignorance is bliss" do we then all strive for ignorance? So that we can be
always blissful? The other adage often trotted out is that "too much knowledge is a dangerous
thing"!  Are we then all perhaps reluctant to learn anything? If we remain somnolent then we will
certainly learn how to relax and sleep, but not much else! Perhaps blissful ignorance means something much deeper than we had ever imagined,but just trotted out this cliche without really
examining its hidden meaning? If indeed it had one! To fully realise the depths of our own
ignorance, is the first step towards humility and inclusive wisdom.
When we truly open our minds and consciousness to the infinite vastness of the universe, we can then see that our understanding of it all is very,very, minute and infinitesimal. We then realising this wonder. get a true perspective of what we think we know.
Just like water, that of water that can be a solid,liquid, or gas, so too can energy, we as entities called
human beings are made up of energy that is a solid like our bones and flesh, a liquid like our blood
and mucus membranes,and a gas that is the heat generated by the food we eat, and on on hot day
we can see the steam rising from our sweated bodies.
The are also three major expressions that can be compared with that of water and energy, and they
are first we are solid like the ice, which represents the physical body, then we have the liquid state
which can represent the indwelling soul, of higher self,  and last the gaseous state represented by
the indwelling spirit.
If we begin to awaken to the internal realities that are there vouchsafed within all expressed life,
and even more so in mankind, as we have the additional faculty of self awareness and self
consciousness we will then be able to shrug of this somnolence that has entrenched mankind for
thousands of years, and begin to venture into true and meaningful self-knowledge that will indeed
lead to the place where bliss does dwell. For the home of bliss is the same home of all embracing
love, and that resides within the heart chakra of all human beings.
When we fail to look within our being, we set up an oscillation which builds ever so silently and
will keep revealing itself in the form of vibratory crisis, the real and deep inner meaning of the
word SIN, actually means and spells out very specifically  this; SELF IS NEGATED=SIN!!!
In part two will explore this further.     warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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