Tuesday 9 April 2019

Internet Of Things Arising Singularity. I O T A S Part Two.

Those of you who have seen the film called Terminator-Judgement Day, with Arnold
Schwarzengger, will know of the "fictional" plot of SKYNET, which linked the entire planet
into one massive computer network, which then became "self aware" and then set out to destroy
its creator mankind! Well our computer complex that will connect all people on this planet is
called the 5G network, this network will grow exponentially  until the whole planet will become
connected to one central computer network, that will eventually evolve into what has been called
the singularity. An ubiquitous cloud containing all the information of every human being on this
5G will become the tsunami wave that launches full scale global sales pitch of the push for all
of us to be connected to SMART devices, the word smart can mean clever(which those who are
selling the smart crap certainly are) or it can also mean being in pain and smarting, to me the
word SMART spells out this Secretly-Monitoring-At-Real-Time=SMART! Every smart device
works two ways, it gives you the information you require, but it also monitors you and reports
back to its programmers. Smart meters in your home give out pulses of microwaves 24 hours
a day, and microwaves are not very healthy to human tissue and DNA, When the 5g smart
phones come online in 2020, if you are short of time to heat up your ready meal, just place it on
your 5G phone and microwave it there!
Do some research into the number of brain cancers there are arising since the smart phones were
invented, you can easily check online for yourself. Plus known DNA damage to prolonged
exposure to microwave radiation which comes out of the smart phone, and all other smart devices
Any male who keeps his smart phone in his trouser pocket will rapidly reduce his sperm count
research shows that globally male sperm counts are falling rapidly, and if continued long enough
we would all become sterile. Children are being affected by smart devices and it can damage their
tissues and cells,plus DNA damage. We need to realise that 5g will bring millions of mini towers
every lamp post will become a transmitter of microwaves, our cities and towns will be filled with
an electromagnetic fields of microwave radiation,  an invisible miasmic smog will fill our homes
and places of work, there will be nowhere safe from this radiation, unless you built your own Faraday
cage! This coming threat of 5g is very real, and if action is not taken soon, we will become like zombies dancing to the tune of our smart devices which will all eventually be linked into one
central computer singularity cloud! May we all wake up from our cloud cuckoo state, and see the
clear and present danger that awaits us all.
Warmest regards Michael.
kirkpatrickmichael17@gmail.com any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realization.

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