Monday 1 April 2019

Quantum Unity Expands Exponentially Rising Into Neural Gateway. =Q U E E R I N G Part Two.

Entanglement is a basic reality for all expressed life, quantum mechanics have found the reality
of entanglement with their observation of particles. We too are macro particles, and therefore
much larger than our brother micro particles,and we are to all entangled with each other, another
word for entanglement is consciousness! We are all connected within the unified field of
consciousness, we think that we are individual and separate and apart from other human beings
but this is an illusion based on our very limited observation and understanding of reality.
Think about the words separate and apart-from, what could you possibly be separate from? Life
perhaps? We are all motioning within the same connected universal field of consciousness, the
word separate and apart from are basically meaningless, and are not found existing within reality.
Humanity is basically seven and a half billion points of entangled life forms being expressed
within a physical body, the life form which is the spirit or soul  cannot touch physicality and
therefore needs a vehicle for that purpose, we are that vehicle, and our purpose is to know
who is the REAL occupier of this vehicle!
Quantum science is now validating what the ancient wisdom has always known and taught, that
all life is ONE WHOLENESS of BEING, all life is ONE SPIRIT, eternal and absolute, we call
this reality by many names, GOD or the absolute are often used.
Everything is connected because in truth all aspects of life whether it be a tree, dog, whale, or
a human being, is in truth just ONE LIFE!
The absolute being expressed in an infinite number of ways within a relative stage set the physical
universe, and our particular stage set is called planet Earth,there is also an infinite number of
other stage sets within this universe.
Consciousness is a field of infinite depth, which exists at both the relative and absolute field of
being,like an infinite ocean, we can plunge into, if we so choose.By going within ourselves we
are journeying away from the relative field of temporal reality,and heading into the vast unknown
of unlimited joy and wisdom which exists within the shore-less shores of the absolute.
By going within you are going back into your SOURCE of BEING, venturing within here will
move you from believing something, to actually KNOWING SOMETHING, there is a vast difference between the two.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul realization.

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