Sunday 31 March 2019

Quantum Unity Expands Exponentially Rising Into Neural Gateway.=Q U E E R I N G .

Connectivity is the hallmark of all reality, the entire universe is connected into one composite
wholeness of absolute unity.This also applies at the subatomic level and the atomic level.
What happens in the subatomic level is replicated in the atomic level, which answers and
agrees with the ancient occult maxim of "as above, so below,as below so above" whatever
occurs in the micro subatomic world also occurs here in the macro atomic world, which then
reflects on our every day lives.The observed phenomena called quantum entanglement shows
that once two particles have interacted with each other, they then become entangled, and this
reveals that whatever you do to one particle it immediately affects the other particle
instantaneously, no matter how far apart they were, which then suggests that if they were both
light years apart, that if you affected one particle here on Earth the other particle say on a
planet around the star Alpha Centuri which is four point two light years away from earth
this particle there would immediately become affected simultaneously.
That is the subatomic quantum entanglement, what about entanglement at the atomic level,
say within mankind? What comes to mind here at a human level  expression of entanglement
is say the emotion of resentment or hatred, by indulging in this emotion we are as entangled
as those subatomic particles! Our macro orbits spin around those we hate or resent, exactly
as those subatomic particles are both connected by interaction with each other, it just that
one action is invisible, and our actions of hatred or resentment are seen by others and are
very visible at times.
We could all been seen as "queering our pitch"by the fact of our ignorance of both our
interconnection with everything within this universe, and of not knowing who we really were.
The science of quantum mechanics shows very clearly what the ancients have always stated
that the universe is totally connected to every atom and particle that exists, that there is no
separation from the whole anywhere in existence, we can never be apart from the whole, as
that would be impossible, to stand alone and APART from reality!! That cannot and has NEVER
occurred and will never occur.We as human beings are all entangled with each other, some of those
entanglements are seen as positive and loving, others are seen as negative and destructive.
In part two will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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