Monday 4 March 2019

Seek Enter Entwine Reality. =S E E R Part Two.

Mankind has been told for thousands of years the injunction,"seek and ye shall find", the
question then arises as to what we will find if we go seeking? Well that would depend on where
we looked, if we looked outward would perhaps become distracted by so many apparent different
things to look at, that we could loose sight of any real focus. But if we decided to look within
ourselves, we would eventually find the answer as to who is this seeker who is seeking?
Most of the western world understand that there are just three states of consciousness, that of
sleep,dream, and awake, but in eastern teachings there is also a forth state of consciousness that
is called Turiya, which means the forth state of consciousness which is Samadhi state, or
enlightenment, where the seer and the seen are one. The gap between you and the outside world
dissolves, there exists oneness,everyone is me,everywhere is home. Samadhi  or enlightenment
is a timeless, unfocused,omni-extended still state of consciousness with NO experiencer and
When we seek within ourselves, we enter into an infinite ocean of consciousness, where we are
anchored within this infinite ocean by the anchor of (SELF-AWARENESS) we are all acutely
aware that we are AWARE, and that THING we are all aware of is called both universally and
in its singularity as that of SELF. We are all aware of self awareness, BUT what we are NOT
aware of is exactly what is this thing called SELF????
 The SELF stands for SPIRIT-ETERNAL-LOCALLY-FOCUSED= SELF! We are all spirit
eternal locally focused, commonly called by US as the human race. Our local focus is the planet
Earth, where our eternal immortal spirit and soul, are encased and entombed within a physical
vehicle, called by us as humanity, or mankind.
By going within and entering into deeper levels of consciousness, you will have begun the process
of dissolving the ego and the ego-centred  mind and letting go of the "I" of the lower human self
and as the dissolving process continues you will become more FLUID and therefore will FLOW
into the ocean where the higher SELF DWELLS. Everyday we go within, and meditate we dissolve
another few material atoms, and these are replaced by higher frequency ethereal atoms, all this takes
place quite naturally and operating within universal law, and is an automatic process, we do not need
to be at ALL CONCERNED  about this process, it will eventually occur within the whole of humanity, but NOT TODAY! All we need is an open heart and an open mind with a passion to know
who and what we are, and we are using the ancient science of meditation to reveal this truth to us all.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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