Friday 29 March 2019

All We Are Knowing Embodies Nothing Significantly. =A W A K E N S.

It could be argued I guess that in order to awaken , we would first need to be aware that we
had been asleep! We could all study hard,pass many exams excel at university, and end up
becoming a lecturing professor of quantum mechanics. You could even become the worlds
foremost authority on your given subject of expertise. But with all that learned knowledge
you had gained, if you did not know who you really were, you then in effect knew nothing!
There is a deep rooted hidden gnosis within mankind, the word gnosis means a knowledge
of spiritual mysteries, an inner knowingness. This inner knowingness resides within us all.
It is that still small voice that whispers out words of comfort and reassurances when we are
in a crisis situation, when our backs are against the wall. Gnosis is the inner voice of your
intuition . The word intuition literally means to be taught from within the hidden teacher
which is the voice of your conscience, or your higher self, is the guru or master that resides
within each human being. We just need to awaken up from our long slumber and tune into
this inner gnosis, that is the voice of our higher self the soul.
So many of us have been taught since birth to always look in one way only, and that is outward
we are never told or informed to look within, you cannot check your smart phone if you are
looking within can you? We are constantly bombarded by messages telling us to look at this
or that,constantly fascinated and mesmerised by adverts wanting to grab our attention, buy, buy
our worthless crap is the spiel from these merchants, and we are all caught up in this glamour
this miasmic mist, so that we never have time to sit down and think.
What we all really need to know, is exactly who we really are, because who we really are will
be with us for many more lifetimes than you could ever begin to imagine, it would be wise to
get to know who you really are, as you will be together for an eternity, much much longer than
the puny four score and ten years we exist here on this Earth!
Our physical bodies which are a wonderful biological machine perfect for its use on earth, and
with the marvel embodied within it of a biological computer the brain, a breathtaking beautiful
thing is our physical body, however, this physical body is NOT WHO YOU ARE! The physical
body is just a VEHICLE that the soul  uses for the purpose of expression here on Earth.
In part two will look more into this.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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