Friday 1 March 2019

All Life Is Vibrationally Expressed.=A L I V E

All life as we think we know it, is vibrationally expressed energy, everything "moves" and motion
which is just expressed as "waves of oscillating rhythm" which we commonly call vibration.
Mankind has drawn up distinguishing lines of embarkation from where he thinks life begins
and ends, and most of us would seem to agree with that definition, however this is a most shallow
observation, if we look deeper into the matrix of life, it will reveal that "all is alive", the ancient
wisdom states clearly that there is just ONE THING in existence within the Entirety of the
universe, and that ONE THING is LIFE! The ancient wisdom looks upon the stone or the
mountain, as a "brother in a state of profound lethargy.If we looked within the rock with an
electron microscope we would see masses of whirring energy all oscillating as waves of vibration
and the law of RELATIVITY that governs this relative universe, states that IF IT MOVES, then
is is ALIVE!
 Water is very much alive, and your body is chock full of this living element,
without its living presence within our bodies, we could not exist here on the Earth.The air we
all breath (prana)  is a living vital element, so vital in fact that we would be expelled from our
physical vehicles (the body) and die, within minutes of being deprived access to this life
pranic element, we call air or oxygen.
Life has the appearance of being duality expressed. one expression is relative,and the other is
Absolute.The relative expression of energetic life is that of ceaseless motion which is thereby
expressed in a waveform as waves of oscillating rhythm, or just vibrations for short. All relative
life energy moves ceaselessly and is never still or motionless.
However, when we approach Absolute Life,all our ideas of what life is, fall into an abyss of sheer
and utter disbelief and our minds reel with wild ideas of its impossibility! Within Absolute Life,
nothing EVER HAPPENS.nothing ever MOVES, there is just Absolute motionlessness. Zero
vibration,Absolute zero point motionlessness. There is just the ABSOLUTE POTENTIAL OF
Absolute ALL, just awaiting a STIRRING INTENTION to motion into BEINGNESS.
We need not be disturbed by this reality, because we are ALL firmly embedded within its primal
matrix, "WE" are ALL absolute being, having a RELATIVE EXPERIENCE here on earth, and
learning how to move through the stillness? And experience life as a relative temporal being,
enclosed within a almost suffocating vehicle called by us that of humanity, which in reality means
absolutely nothing, and is in fact a meaningless word!
In part two will explore this further.       Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

1 comment:

  1. Anyone can comment here please feel free to have your say.
