Friday 15 March 2019

Mind And Personality Provoke Egoic Dominion.=M A P P E D

We are born with basically a "blank slate" knowing nothing except the inborn instinctual
functions of needing food etc. From that blank slate everything else is added to our awareness
day by day, year by year. As we begin begin to accumulate experiences, from interactions with
family and visitors, and listen to our parents, we literally soak up all that they say to us, and
accept it all as absolute truth.From these these accumulating experiences, we are then also
having the new facility of memory on board,with memory and many experiences under our
tiny belts, we then awaken that which is called the ego, which is where the sense of "I" is born
within this little ones newly discovered consciousness, what are commonly called the "terrible
twos" where temper tantrums are born and displayed. This is the beginning of our sense of "I"
ME too, we discover the power of being assertive in getting our own way, by screaming and
bawling as loud as we can.Some of us still do this as adults!
As we grow up and become adults, we gradually form our own ideas of what seem correct to
us,and what we do not agree with. The word MAPPED which spells out the words making
up the theme of this blog, can mean that our lives are mapped out for us from birth by the way
we have been brought up.Unless of course we begin really thinking for ourselves, and making
decisions that suit our concept of who I think I am.
The vast majority of us, do not even question as to what is the mind, we see or perhaps understand
that there is "my" mind, and there is "your" mind, and see these as two separate entities, and of
course this way of thinking creates a them and us, kind of attitude, there is "me" and there is "you"
and we are separate beings. The vast majority of mankind are totally dominated by their egos, egos
rule the roost, and global power is usually given to those who not only have enormous egos but
also have bloated egos filled with the lust for power and dominance coupled with a healthy
sprinkling of vast wealth.
It may seem strange to you to know that we each create our minds/personality/ and ego, these
three words really condense into one thing, that of the lower self, which is but a very dim
reflection of the higher self, which is the SOUL. The blank slate that we are all born with, gets
imprinted with multiple messages from day one of birth, these multiple messages along with the
faculty of memory, create within you the personality which is the ego which is then called the mind.
In part two will explore this further.     Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed. Facebook Soul Realisation.

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