Wednesday 27 March 2019

Subconsciousness Is Dark Energy Divined. S I D E D

To me dark energy and dark matter are really two conceptual aspects of the same thing, and
that same thing to me is that of subconsciousness. Subconsciousness or dark energy are only
able to be detected by inference due to its effects on gravity lensing where it warps the field.
The universal unified field to me is consciousness, which used to be known as the Ether or
etheric field, whatever you decide to call it, the reality is that it is  absolutely a unified field
which is infinite and ubiquitous.
Below our level of awareness, just out of phase with this dimension is what I believe to be
what science postulates as dark energy, which to me represents a differing dimensional
aspect of consciousness, which I call subconsciousness. When science talks of dark matter
and dark energy, they seem to imply that this force they call dark energy. lies thousands or
even millions of light years from Earth. This to me seems utter nonsense, as we all live and
move and have our being within the conscious and subconscious field right here on Earth.
Everyday dark matter and dark energy is within each one of us, right now, and we know it
Dark matter, dark energy are really just the subconscious field  in which we all dwell daily.
Consciousness is expressed in multi-dimensional levels, it is also expressed in solid form
which is all atomic matter,also as a liquid, gas, and plasma,our conscious level of consciousness
would be but a rather large puddle, when compared to the vast ocean of the subconscious field.
But we can all tap into this subconscious field, by going within ourselves and practising either
meditation or yoga.
The reality is that science and physics look out there for dark matter and dark energy, when all
they really need to do, is to look within themselves, and realise that they are all completely
submerged within an infinite ocean of subconsciousness aka dark matter/energy, we are all
peeping out through a limited lens of awareness and groping our way around in a twilight of
limiting perceptions,this is our waking level of surfical consciousness, which is further limited
by its ignorance of its true state of being. Yet within us all is a vast ocean of all knowningness
just waiting for us to delve into its infinite depths and explore its vast inner wisdom,.
In part two will look further into this.      Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

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