Monday 11 March 2019

Something And Nothing Defined.= S A N D .

All motion within this universe is contained within the arc of universal evolution, all motion
is evolving along an infinite ocean of becomingness.The universe is filled with something, that
will one day become nothing. All somethingness will eventually become nothingness, that is
what evolution is about. Evolution began from nothing -absolute motionlessness, then cast out
from the stillness by an awesome INTENTION, motion was born upon the carrier wave of
infinite thought wave intention. As motion was born  (we need to understand that MOTION
=LIFE) first the motion the motion wave was "involved" with the process called "involution"
where the awesome intent wave placed within this motion principles that would then become
expressed as universal laws when the involution sequence ceased, then there ensued a
momentary pause,(which is replicated every day within Earths oceans, and is called "slake
water", where the tides stops momentarily) after this momentary pause, then evolution began
and the indwelling principles then unfolded out of the matrix like a lotus blossoming,and
these indwelling principles all became universal immutable laws, that we recognise today.
Mankind, which in truth is just a collection of seven and a half billion vehicles, all vital in
permitting the true occupier of the vehicle the immortal soul, to collect experiences that will
eventually enable it to let go of its somethingness and embrace its true nature of nothingness.
We as a family all connected to each other by an unbreakable universal bond of inclusive
divine love, are all at the forefront of the evolution, and each one of us, is in process of letting
go bit by bit of our somethingness, and beginning to explore within ourselves, which then opens
the door to nowhere that is in fact everywhere?  The paradox that presents itself to us is that we
who all think that we are something, need to let go of this something and embrace nothing!
This all sounds very scary, and does not seem to make any sense, we can think,I want to remain
as something! It does not sound very good if you are nothing! All these thoughts are perfectly
normal, as we all live our outer lives as though we all count for SOMETHING! Who in their right
mind would want to become NOTHING!!!! That is a very good question, one that I will try and
answer in part two of this blog.
Warmest regards michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

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