Thursday 28 March 2019

Subconsciousness Is dark Energy Divined. S I D E D Part Two.

The subconscious field that exists within us all is infinite and omnipresent . We have but to just
change our vector  of gaze to that of inward looking, then we will be leaving the surficial level
of "mindful" consciousness and vectoring into the unknown space-less space of the infinite
intelligent life force which we call consciousness.Consciousness is basically that of being
intelligent energy, that manifests on a infinite levels of expression. Consciousness is multi
dimensional and exists in every point of reference in the universe. Dark energy,and dark matter
are only consciousness in a dimensional shift mode, where it is out of phase with this physical
dimension we exist within, Science can only detect its presence by inference on the way it effects
and causes gravity lensing.
Thoughts do not occur within the universal field of omnipresent consciousness, thoughts can
only occur within a "I"AM" field which is consciousness flowing downward into a singularity
point of reference, which is a vortex of focused consciousness spiralling into a singularity point
 which then produces the "self aware" "I" AM-NESS. Only The "I" AM has the capacity to
focus consciousness into packets of condensed energy called by us as is interesting
to note here, that if we use the analogy of speed, sound travels at 750 mph, light travels at
186,000 miles per second, thought does not travel AT ALL! If you sent a thought to another
soul living a billion light years from Earth the thought would enter that consciousness
instantaneously with not even a lapse of ONE-MICROSECOND! The reason for this is because
consciousness is absolute eternal infinite,and totally connected with each atom within that field
any though being made and directed anywhere is there the very moment you think it, time and space
and distance, are all illusions, and do not exist within absolute reality, they only APPEAR to exist
within the dual based relative cloak that is cast over the absolute field of ALL.
We all our the "I" AM presence, the presence which is absolute and eternal becomes localised
within a condensed field, which is expressed within a singularity point of reference, we are all
reference points held within a INTENTIONAL FIELD, this field is expressed within five levels
of density, the lowest level is our human vehicle the physical body. The intentional field is holding
all of its expressions in a coherent embrace, and permitting those expressions endless degrees of
freedom of movement, to gather as much experience as they can, in order to eventually fully
remember who and what you TRULY ARE!!!!!.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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