Monday 18 March 2019

Who Honestly Is Me.? =W H I M Part Two.

We think that this Material Envelope=ME, is actually who we are, millions of us actually
believe this illusion. We are not the mind,personality,or ego, all these terms are self created by
by us and are just a relative semblance of what we think as real.Our minds are a limited form
of consciousness that always identifies a physical body as itself. In our present waking state
our mind mistakes this particular body to be itself, whereas in each dream it mistakes some other
body to be itself. Because it takes one body to be itself in the waking state, and another body to
be itself in a dream, our mind clearly does not know what the real self is.
To really know the real ME which is the"I" pertaining to the true occupier that of the SELF
we need to get rid of the mind,we need to get out of our minds,and into our SELF!
We personally have all created our minds along with its illusory cohorts of personality, and
ego, the mind personality  and ego are all names for that in which is occupied by the reality
called the higher self or soul. What we call mind,personality, and ego, are just varied names for
the "vehicle" which is the physical body, that billions of us mistakenly think is who we really are.
We refer to ourselves as having an ego(vehicle) personality(vehicle) mind(vehicle) like we are
saying that a "Ford car"is our ego,a "Rolls Royce"is our personality,and an Aston Martin is our
mind!!! This sounds totally crazy and illogical does it not! But then thinking that your physical
body is really who you are,is also crazy and also totally incorrect.
We also mistakenly call ourselves human-beings, but we are never (except in rare circumstances)
beings, more correctly we are actually human-doings, if we were human beings, we would have
let go of the created illusion called mind,instead we are all human-doings, and what we are all
doing, is forever thinking endless barrages of THOUGHTS! Happiness is in being,
unhappiness is doing. In order to find that which is ME/YOU we need to look deeply within
ourselves, therein lies your eternal SELF which reveals itself to you through its vehicle that of the
immortal soul/self.As we venture deep within ourselves, the mindless chatter and trivial bullshit
conjured up by our self created minds, begins to falter and with persistence and patience will
eventually cease altogether, all thoughts will come to an abrupt stillness and inner silence, this is
where meditation actually begins, when all the useless chatter stops. Then is these moments of utter
internal silence, your real and eternal SELF will illuminate your consciousness field of perception.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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