Wednesday 6 March 2019

What Is Truth? =W I T Part Two.

When we look for truth where do we start looking? If we are looking "out-there" for the answer
we will become sorely disappointed. Because the real home of truth lies within us all. we have
all heard that of being at my "wit's end" what does this exclamation actually mean? The dictionary
explains the saying as being at the "limits of ones emotional or mental limitations". For me this
can spell out the following,What-Is-Truth-Search-Enter-Numen-Domain, which spells out WIT'S
END.When we are at our at our wit's end and are mentally and emotionally drained, we can feel
an instinctive urge to go within ourselves. We can then connect to our inner higher self which is
spirit (the Latin name for spirit is Numen) we are then connecting and entering the "domain" of
this higher self, the spirit or soul.The reason we need to look within for the answer for what is
truth, is really very simple (but not so easily accepted) the reason is that WE are all the EMBODIMENT of TRUTH, and we fail to understand this most vital principle.The physical
body (vehicle/spacesuit) is NOT a principle, and therefore perishes rots and decays,but the inner
operator of the vehicle is most definitely a principle, which is immutable and eternal, and that is
your spirit. That is the truth, and as the saying goes "the truth will set you free", All we really
need to know or understand is OURSELVES, when we fully KNOW who and WHAT we ARE
then EVERYTHING ELSE will automatically become known to YOU.
We are all Absolute BEING have a "seemingly" faceted fragmented experience as Relative dual
expressed biological machines called by us a human being! If we look at the Absolute universal
Intelligence as a LIVING JEWEL, we then can easily see that we are all facets of that ONE
JEWEL. Seven and a half billion faceted human beings, all looking for the answer of WHO AM "I"?
We spend countless life times looking for the answer to the riddle of life, not suspecting that the
answer has been vouchsafed within you for millions of years, but we were too busy looking OUT
THERE to notice what was IN THERE!
The "I" that dwells within YOU is the embodiment of truth,if you speak from YOUR "I" you then
are NOT talking about TRUTH, in fact you ARE TRUTH!!!!!
We only ever talk "ABOUT" something that we are NOT, when we talk as TRUTH then we ARE.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization.

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