Sunday 3 March 2019

Seek Enter Entwine Reality..=S E E R .

The dictionary describes the word Seer as follows, observer,one who prophesies future events,
endowed with profound moral and spiritual insight, possessing intuitive powers. I feel that we
could  also add that each one of us that's goes within ourselves is seeking to enter and entwine
our consciousness and awareness around a direction that will begin to unravel the true and
eternal nature of reality.
As we look deeper into matter and form, of which we are also made of,our sight begins to
veer from looking at things, from an outward visionary prospective, to vectoring into a much
more insightful way.We then are not looking directly AT something, rather we are looking at
what is beneath this shadow of form? This is done not with our eyes, but rather from within
our consciousness, and presents itself to us as a thing we call intuition.Our physical eyes play
no part whatsoever upon our journey within ourselves. What we see within us, is seen as
consciousness displayed in pictorial form, or just as an intuitional download of wisdom or
knowledge.Engaging the "minds eye" is what we are seeking when we go within, we can
question ourselves with the question of, what exactly am I seeking? Am I seeking inner wisdom
and knowledge? Am I seeking out the answer as to who I really am? Or am I just seeking for
serenity and peace of mind? We each have our own reasons for looking within ourselves, some
of us will do this out of curiosity, some will read about going within and see videos on the internet
and this will attract them, and others, much like myself, will only do this because we are confronted
by a major life changing crisis, that forces the issue.
We spend all of our lives as being observers, we all observe life as though it exists outside of
ourselves, which of course in does NOT.! We fail to understand that we ALL ARE LIFE, life
does not exist outside of ourselves. So when we journey within, we are going in a direction that
will eventually point to total unification with everything within this universe. If we arrive at that
level of awareness, what do you think would occur, if anything? We can see the seer in our minds
eye, but what would happen if we transcended the mind? Who then would see the seer? If the
bubble of our last sheath (expression/body) burst then we as BEING would no longer exist, and
therefore NO THING would be witnessed because you would have been dissolved into the matrix
of ALL, and YOU were no longer witnessing anything, you were just "IT".
In part two will look more into this.    Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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