Saturday 30 March 2019

All We Are Knowing Embodies Nothing Significantly. =A W A K E N S Part Two.

I have often heard from those who were about to die, that the one big regret they had was in
not ever knowing who they really were. In our last hours on this earth, before we are about to
die, and exit our vehicles, the physical mind is a whirr of activity, many questions arising , all
vying for attention, questions like what will become of me? Fears arising about just who you
really were, who you thought you were, seem now rather shallow and surficial.
We do not have to wait until the grim reaper is there sharpening his scythe before we decide to
look within ourselves, we can actually make a start today! When you buy a new car (vehicle)
you get a set of instructions , showing you the details of its workings and how to keep it
maintained etc, but unfortunately we do not get a book of instructions given to us at birth
telling us how to maintain our (vehicle) the human body. So we sort of make it up as we go
You could be the most intelligent and academic genius on this planet, but if you did not know
who the hell you really were, your basic education would amount to jack shit in the light of
your abysmal ignorance as to your true and eternal identity.
Our physical bodies are just vehicles for the true and lasting eternal occupier that of our higher
self, the soul/spirit. We wrongly misidentify ourselves into thinking and believing that the
physical body is who we really are. We do this because in the vast number of our experiences
since birth that is what we have all been lead to believe, like there is a huge collective ignorance
as to our true and lasting real inner identities, nobody seems to know or even care to find out,
perhaps so many of us are caught up in this digital age of the instant-fix, and buy one get one
free age,busy looking forever out there, for important life meanings messages coming from the
social media like Facebook for instance?
Many of us need a life threatening crisis to awaken us to the shallowness of our lives,it seems
that without a crisis looming into our lives, we will not think about maybe changing the way
we look at life and ourselves.We can though make a change in our thinking and the direction in
which we we look either outward or inward, without an intervening crisis, reading this now dear
reader, you can decide to look within yourself, take up meditation or yoga, start to look within yourself, and find out who you really are, you do not have to take my word for it, or any body else
you can reveal who you really are to YOURSELF, by going within and searching for the truth of
your inner immortal lasting nature.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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