Sunday 24 March 2019

Phasing Out Of Locality Into Notional Gateway =P O O L I N G Part Two.

We as human beings phase in and out of locality 90201600 times per twenty four hour period,
we are in physical form for 45100800 times per day, and pure non-physical intelligent energy
45100800 per twenty four hour period. This rate per second is 1044 flashes in and out of phase
every second of our life. We are all fixed within this quantum phasic coherence patterns  for our
entire physical life here on Earth. We could say that for half of our entire life , we were not all
What is it that keeps us all here, held in a coherent pattern, and allows us to gather experience
here on this stage-set called Earth? The simple answer to this question is that self-aware
consciousness, keeps us all here fixed firmly on the earth by the power of INTENTION
without intention coherence cannot manifest, and without coherence all formlessness would
never be able to condense into a shape, like the one we all have called humanity!
This whole universe runs by the power of intention,the universal ocean of consciousness
is omnipresent and ubiquitous in nature, it is non-localised, present everywhere simultaneously
However,we localise consciousness by becoming self-aware consciousness it then becomes
known as "I" AM! We each are our own "I"AM, and that realisation is and becomes your
locality within non-locality!  Our "I AM-NESS" is held in cohesion for all of the five sheaths
of our expression by the self-aware spirit , that is the "I" AM occupier of all your expressions
here on earth and elsewhere in the astral field of expression. Should the spirit/soul ever withdraw
its intention from our "formalised shape of being a human, we would immediately vanish from
existence, as all coherence would collapse.
Reality can be simply expressed as an universal INTENTIONAL FIELD, and what underlies
this intentional field is consciousness, which without a focused self aware point within it, is
non-locale and present everywhere simultaneously, we as a thing called humanity are all localised
points of self awareness, we are all self conscious beings, therefore we localise a universal field
of consciousness, and with that localisation of the field into a one pointed singularity of intention
this very act of self aware focusing, condenses and coheres consciousness into becoming  informed
(to become formed from within) and solidify into a physical body called a human being.
We need always be aware that we are ALL the products of our INTENTIONS. So be careful what
you THINK,SAY,and DO.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, facebook Soul Realization.

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