Monday 3 December 2018

The Way Opens =T W O Part Two.

The way is a direction that we choose to take, it is the path that we all tread while experiencing
our journey through life. What we get out of our life is directly proportional to what we put into
our life, there is no such thing as a "free lunch"! When we look look forever outward. our path
will reflect outward things only back to us, because that is the nature of reflections to just reflect.
In this so called modern age the whole empathise seems to be on looking outward, in fact we are
actively encouraged to do so by advertisers and the demands made upon us by our smart phones.
So much is the pressure to constantly look outward, that many of us will spend our entire lives
doing nothing else but that. We seem to all fail to recognise that there is another direction open to
us all, and that is inwards, this direction is mostly ignored by millions of us, because we are hooked
into the trap set by those who want us to "consume" and buy their products, we are all seduced by
the bullshit the advertisers peddle, and the forever massage waiting and demanding our attention
buzzing or ringing from our smart phones.
The "way in" will eventually lead us "out" of the mind-field that we are currently now immersed
in , and will refocus our gaze in a way that will begin aligning ourselves up with the real flow of
life, rather that being caught on the ebb tide of glutenous consumerism. The path we follow will
through the experience of many experiences, reorient our gaze to let go of outward looking because
you have endured the experiences of that kind of focusing and have eventually seen the shallowness
and hollowness of this direction, you will have experienced crisis and times of harrowing trial, this
has lead you to where you are today,and begin to "feel" the attraction of looking within ourselves
sometimes even a sense of excitement may arise, at what we may find within there!
When we have had enough of being sick and tired, enough of the hollow promises of advertisers,
enough of the shallow and insincere promises of our leaders and governments, we can find an inner
comfort by going within ourselves, and exploring what lies beneath this facade of form? We can
through the art and practise of either meditation or yoga, venture into deeper levels of consciousness
and awareness, begin to feel the stirring of a new life being revealed within you, start to feel and become conscious of intuitional stirrings entering into your consciousness,see and feel the real meaning of intuition, which means literally to be "taught from within, you are then on your way to
discovering  that hidden truth that has been within you all of your life,and until this day you were
completely unaware of its presence. That real you is your very own divine immortal soul.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realisation.

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