Thursday 13 December 2018

Cohesive Overshadowing Incarnated Numen Expressing Divinity. =C O I N E D Part Two.

We are all "held" within the cohesive embrace of our souls Intention. If this intention was to waver
even for a microsecond we would all collapse in a dead heap, because the life force would have
been withdrawn, as it withdraws when we die naturally. The life force which is the soul, without
its presence the physical body cannot persist, and would immediately begin to decay.
We are all incarnated "numens" which is the Latin word  for Divinity or indeed a "divine presence"
we are ALL that "divine presence" its just that tens of millions of us our completely unaware of
this most basic and primal truth. This is the main reason for this blog today,to attempt what might
seem an impossible task,to replace the understanding of this reality, and lesson the amount of
ignorance there is about who and what we really are.
Life is a universal constant, ubiquitous and absolute in its nature, when it is expressed it is in motion
which is why the physical universe , that we all think we know of, is in perpetual motion, life which
is really intelligent conscious energy when expressed is in motion, reflects a relative signature, when
not in motion there is NO signature as all is absolute motionlessness.
Life Absolute is the reality, that lies beneath the "temporal reality" and is the unified field that
perpetually coheres all to all. Our physical universe in absolute terms is an illusion, and never
actually existed. It just "seems" to exist so that we can play out our roles, and reveal our true
nature which lies beneath the facade of FORM.
We are all souls "wrapped"  around the spirit of the eternal Presence, our deep inner nature is
"perfection absolute", this reality lies beneath the outer cloak and fabric of the soul.
As souls we are all on a journey of discovery, we all need to fully discover who exactly we are
and we do this by many incarnations upon this Earth plane, and motioning through thousands
if not millions of varied experiences.
Our true and lasting nature is that of being a divine presence, the sad thing is that millions of
us go looking for a divine being, even praying for a divine intervention into their lives, without
ever realising that they are a divine presence here on earth, and sadly are completely unaware
of this most fundamental and basic truth of expressed life.Look within yourself and see the face
of the divine presence looking back at you, because you DEAR READER are in fact a divine
presence here on this Earth today.
Warmest regards Michael any feedback welcomed facebook Soul Realization

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