Sunday 9 December 2018

Focused Universal Spirit Souls Experiencing Diversity. =F U S S E D Part Two,

The title of this blog, focused universal spirit souls experiencing diversity, is the signature tune
that we are all playing to, while here on Earth. We all seem to get lost and totally immersed in
the never ending focus of looking forever outward, and therefore fail to recognise the reality
that dwells deeply within us all.This planet Earth is no more your real home than the Moon is
we think it is our home because of our myopic focused direction of looking only ever outward.
We fail to see that at our core of being we are all intelligent universal energy, that our home is
everywhere and equally nowhere simultaneously.We are all presented with the reality of a triple
expression, like that of a trident, first we are all spirit, which is a universal principle and is
immutable,then we have the soul. which enfolds the spirit, this again is a principle and is
immutable, then we have the physical vehicle,the human body,this however in NOT a principle
and only stays in a cohesive whole until the life wave leaves it (US) then it rots away and turns
back into dust from whence it came.
Our physical bodies turn back to dust, but we are not the physical body, we need to fully understand
this truth, for by understanding the truth of your being, this truth will then set you free, the truth of
your beingness will indeed set you free from the ignorance of not knowing who you really are,.you
will then be free to fully embrace the expansiveness of this new understanding, which will result
in a far greater and more deeply conscious awareness and perception of this new and deeper reality
that is unfolding before your startled gaze.
If we really did "make a fuss about nothing"this type of fussing would open up unimaginable
expanse of "nothing" that would therefore help us understand our reality,in fact and in principle
we all our nothing yet we also are everything as well, we are all and nothing, such is life.
Our individual journeys here upon the Earth plane, are for the sole purpose of you finding your
soul,the "SOLE" equals the motion, the search for self, this is found by the experience of
experiences over many physical incarnations, each experience understood, brings you one step
closer to that wonderful day, when a new DAWN breaks upon your consciousness and you finally
realise that you are a soul, then you will fully realise and understand the reason for your journey
and will be full of joy as this dawns upon your now expanded consciousness and awareness.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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