Saturday 1 December 2018

Consciousness Opens Nothing Just Us Revealing Expression.=C O N J U R E Part Two.

By going within ourselves either by using the method of yoga or meditation, we then embark upon
a journey that will ultimately lead us into a dawning of a new and deeper level of consciousness,
by our very actions of going within ourselves, we have unknowingly to us at the time, actually have
"cast a spell" upon ourselves, this spell if pursued  will eventually lead us into a full realisation
of our own  divine immortal soul, which dwells within the whole of humanity, we will then have
conjured up the inner reality of all of our being, by casting of the heavy mass that surrounded our
thinking before, and have then awakened into a new and far deeper level of consciousness.
This awakening is the destiny for every human being on this planet, that is the ONLY REASON
why we are all here, there is NO OTHER!  What decides as and when we decide to take the
"plunge" so to speak, is written into our inner being, and not usually available to our level of consciousness, it depends upon our particular point upon the arc of evolution, and how many
lives we have lived, and most importantly, what have we actually leaned from all that vast experiences? When we are truly sick and tired, of being sick and tired, we are then open to
the idea of change, usually this only occurs after many crisis over many lives, then we are ready
to the direction of change, which will impel us to begin looking within ourselves, rather than
forever looking without, as the whole of this so called modern society seems to do, totally
"fascinated" and mesmerised by always looking out there, and glued to peering at plastic gadgets
like smart "dumb" phones. There is an ancient saying, that has been lost in the mists of time, and
this saying says this, "when the pupil is ready the master appears" what does this actually mean?
I came across this saying over forty years ago, and it puzzled me greatly, because living in the west
as I was, it occurred to me that even if by some miracle that I was ready, where in Gods name would
I find a master wondering around in the UK? If I was living in India say, then my chances would be
greatly increased. It took me several years of daily meditation to begin to realise what that ancient
maxim actually meant. It means quite literally that when we are ready for change to occur in our lives
and we are open for this to happen, then we will begin upon a journey that will lead us all into our
very own soul realisation, this will begin by us receiving intuitive messages and thoughts, we may
actually hear this "still small voice within us" that will whisper reassuring words of comfort to us
in particular when we are afraid or saddened, or emotionally upset, these intuitive episodes will gradually become more frequent, and then you will instinctively know that "your MASTER" has
appeared before your startled gaze, and this master is none other than your very own divine immortal
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed, Facebook Soul Realization.

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