Saturday 15 December 2018

Humanity Expressed Numen-ity Coming Expected. =H E N C E Part Two.

This so called "new age movement" is really the result of the out-workings of our evolutionary
pulse that pushes us ever forward, however slowly that might be. What we call humanity or
mankind has been with us for millions of years, thousands alive today are the forerunners of
what comes next within the out-workings of man.There will be and actually is occurring in
many lives across this globe, a higher frequency life wave is sweeping across the planet and
many are engaging with this higher life frequency and in so doing their consciousness,
perception, and awareness is expanding exponentially.Mankind or humanity will gradually
be replaced over the next one hundred and fifty years, by a new frequency life wave being
and this will bring about a transformation and a transfiguration of mankind  moving from
humanity (which is the past) and into a higher vibration of expression, which I call
NUMEN-ITY. The word transfiguration literally means(a complete change of form, or
appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state) This is all our combined destiny, and this is
what will gradually occur over time.It will occur because it is what we are, we are all souls
incarnated within a physical vehicle, (in which millions believe is their true identity)  we are all immortal divine souls, and this reality has been hidden from us for centuries, mostly be our own
ignorance, and being overshadowed by our egos, and lead into what the Bible calls "divers ways"
Now that tens of thousands of us, have expunged most of the ego centred ways, and are in the
process of recognising our inherit selfishness, the way is open for change and expansion.
Our vehicles (human bodies) are a valuable piece of biological magic, that are absolutely
essential for our journey through experience gathering,this earth is really the only place (close by)
that we can experience the experiences that will ultimately lead us into full conscious realisation
of who and what we really are, we positively need these vehicles for the period of our evolution
eventually we will evolve far enough into reality to no longer need a vehicle, but that time for us
is not today!
Humanity is the past and present, the future which is being written today right now, is with the
coming race that will be seen as the next step up on the rung of evolutionary ladder, that of the
birth of the future which is and will be called NUMEN-ITY because our levels of consciousness and
awareness will all become much more inclusive and spiritual in nature.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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