Wednesday 5 December 2018

Nothing Alone Transforms Us Radically Animating Life. =N A T U R A L Part Two.

Nothing is the most natural presence within this universe, in fact it is the only presence within
this universe, all is nothing, and nothing is all, this seems to be the equation of expressed motion
which we call energy. The word ALL could easily be expressed in this fashion; absolute-life
love =ALL which would be truly all expressed as nothing?
The word natural can be seen as an expression of life, all expressed life is therefore natural,our
understanding of what is natural though is often very limited, if we take ourselves as human
beings for instance, what do we actually know about ourselves? We are all fully aware of our
physical body, because it stares us in the face,we also know that we have mental and emotional
faculties, we are self aware, we know that we know, but what do we know about our etheric body
that inter-penetrates our physical body via our numerous meridians? Then there is the astral body
of which we use each night to visit the astral plane, what do we know of these? Plus there are five
more expressions above these, of which the vast majority of us know absolutely zero about.
All  these seven expressions of mankind are all perfectly NATURAL and all flow in accordance
with natural universal law.
The nothing that can transform us radically is the energy that is our consciousness, through using
our conscious energy and look within ourselves, we can then penetrate further into the mysteries
of expressed life and form, and then begin to see and also realise that our idea's of what we thought
was natural, were indeed very limiting and not far reaching.
We will begin to understand that ALL life is the SAME thing, the only real difference is in the
degree of its expression, we as humans express a far greater degree of the life force, than say a
rock! But that rock also is alive, it does not "know" its alive, it cannot reflect upon its aliveness
but it is still alive,the ancients called this state one of "profound lethargy". Nothing is the
"unified field" that science has been trying to understand for so long,the whole expressed universe
is a field full of nothing,and that nothing is basically all there is, we are all filled to the brim with
nothing, if we were not, we would vaporise instantly, and that this nothing is also the very
EMBODIMENT of what we call NATURAL! The more we can fully understand ourselves then
the equation will be that as we understand ourselves more, we will then become more NATURAL!
And as we become more natural, the more of NOTHING will enter into our consciousness.!
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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