Thursday 6 December 2018

Pursuing Reality Opens Mankind Into Spiritual Expansion Definitely. =P R O M I S E D.

If reality ever had a promise to make, I am sure it would be that it would expand our
consciousness and awareness, and running parallel with this would be also an expansion into
spiritual realities that we would have never dreamed of possible  in our life time here on Earth.
Perhaps we could ask here the question, what is reality? Well the name reality implies that it is
real, and therefore being real, it must be real everywhere and at all times, reality can never have
"a day off" it is always real, and that also implies that it is both relative and absolute
simultaneously. eternally so. We as a race of humans called humanity, would seem to be living
just on the surface of reality, much like corks bobbing around on the lake of life, the nature of
reality must be one of infinite depth, with us wading in the shallow end, just getting our toes
wet!  If we pursue reality then by the nature of us all totally immersed within its infinite ocean
more of this reality will seep or leak into our consciousness and awareness. As we make a
decision to look within ourselves, instead of forever looking out there, we in effect create a
"space"within ourselves, that was previously filled by our efforts to watch and experience what
was going on out there, and as the fact that "nature abhors a vacuum" something rushes in to fill
this space, and that something is reality, and the nature of a reality that we had previously been
totally unaware of, so by going within ourselves, through the practice of meditation or yoga, we
are expanding our understanding of reality, and in so doing, also learning some very interesting
facts, that had completely escaped our notice before we took action, and pursued that which is
Reality could be seen as the nature of WHAT IS,however the difficulty with that is that we can
only ever see the outer appearance of reality, we can never see its primary matrix,we only ever
see the outward appearance of an "inner reality" the inner reality is always completely invisible
to our human vision. The answer to this seemingly invisible enigma, is that by going within
ourselves, we begin to see and understand that all is ENERGY, reality seems to POSE itself
in numerous forms, both visible and invisible, both tangible and intangible, yet although seeming
different, in truth they are all the SAME THING,reality is connected to all reality, and we are also
connected to all of this, when we can see,feel, know, and understand this truth we will be much
closer to beginning to understand the nature of reality.
In part two will explore this further.   Warmest regards Michael. any feedback welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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