Monday 24 December 2018

Can Hope Reveal Inner Soul Truly Making All Serene.=C H R I S T M A S Part two.

There is a living flame that burns within our heart Chakra, this flame is part of the Divine fire
which animates all universal expressed life.and we as human beings are all life.
We need to fully realise that we are not a "PART" of life,"rather that we are LIFE!" This is
what we are life presented in what we call a human being.
The word Christmas as it is spelled out here in this blog, suggests that "can hope reveal inner
soul making all serene"? Hope can indeed reveal the truth that lies within us all, hopefully this
time of the year, when all goes quiet after all the presents have been opened, and we have eaten
our fill with the Turkey dinner, when the hour grows late,and we perhaps sit quietly reflecting
on the day. Maybe then the thought will trickle into your awareness as to whom I really am!
Do I really know myself fully? This thought may suggest, who knows! If that occurs to you dear
reader of this blog over this festive time, you may well be on your way to full self discovery as the
new year beckons. The heat that arises when passions are aroused is part of this Divine fire,the
flame of life that dwells within us all. This is where that heat comes from the "fire of life".
In order to kindle this fire we just need to look within our selves, perhaps reading some uplifting
stories of those who have risen triumphant from the ashes of their past lives and been reborn into
a new level of consciousness.Inspiring stories can help us to find the energy to pierce through
the "surface tension" of relative life,and into a deeper level of perception and awareness.
Meditation and yoga, if practised daily can also open up new levels of consciousness to us.
The flame of life is a cold fire, it only infuses heat when coupled with human emotion, and
great excitement. otherwise like in deep meditation is is a cool flame serene and beautiful.
Would not the greatest Christmas present we could all give to ourselves in this coming new year
of 2019, that of making this year 2019, the year that I truly fund out who I really was! If we all
did that next year, then by the time 2020 would arrive, great changes would have occurred within
this world, there would be peace, instead of warfare,the hungry would all be fed, the thirsty would
have their fair share of water,we would take steps to help those less fortunate than ourselves, and
a time of peace and serenity would sweep across  this planet like a great tsunami of the 
outpourings of love that would arise from our MASS KNOWING of who and what we really were.
Blessings to you all dear readers on this special day, any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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