Friday 21 December 2018

Experiencing Numenosity Consciously Aware Self Expressing Divinity. =E N C A S E D Part Two.

We are in effect condensed and poured into expression, and eventually awaken within this
"oubliette of the flesh", the word oubliette comes from the French language and means "a
dungeon with an opening only at the very top" and this I feel has a symbolic meaning which
I mean to express  here in this blog today.
There is only two reasons as to why we are all here upon this Earth plane,the first reason is
that we all need to know and fully understand just who and what we really are, and that involves
countless incarnations here, being expressed as male and female, rich and poor, beggar man and
thief, sick and healthy etc, and the second reason we are all here is to achieve a balance within
our karmic liabilities.
When we begin a practice of going within ourselves either through meditation or yoga, we are in
fact beginning to take a direction that will gradually ascend towards the vertical, "looking upward"
this is where the word oubliette comes into play, because the only way out of that oubliette
dungeon is by ascending to that door at the very top of the enclosure, which is exactly the same
as we all need to eventually do, vertically ascend through meditation and higher perceptive
sensitivities toward our crown chakra at the top of our heads,and exit through that" metaphorical
door" at the top of our crown chakra, this is the way out of this dungeon of endless incarnations
and into the light of self and soul realization.
It really depends upon us, as to when we begin this journey of ascension by going within ourselves,
some will not even attempt or even consider this option for many life times to come, anyone who
is genuinely happy and content with their life today, will not make this journey in this life time,
simply because they would see absolutely "no need" to change the way things are for them,
why rock the boat, when I am enjoying life? Those of you who are not that satisfied with your life today, and may have encountered a few crisis, will be more open to change. Perhaps for you today
is that very day that you decide to look within yourself, and begin a most rewarding experience
of ascending through the density of our outer shell or vehicle, into that more rarefied atmosphere
that lies within your consciousness, where your perceptions and awareness will become more refined
and sensitive, and your consciousness will expand and reveal to you a much more inclusive nature
of reality.
Warmest regards Michael. any feedback most welcomed Facebook Soul Realization.

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